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What If I Have a C-Section Review
As a pregnant woman a couple weeks from her due date, I found "What If I Have a C-Section?" a real wake-up call about the possibility I might end up with a surgical delivery-which happens at my hospital more than 1 in 5 times (and according to the book, even more often nationwide). Rubin helps sort out the myths from the facts, sneaking in a LOT of scientific information while she keeps the book light and readable. I still hope to avoid a C-section, and now I feel like I have a better idea how to plan for contingencies in labor and what questions to ask my doctor and the hospital staff if vaginal delivery gets stalled or becomes problematic. I'm going to get another copy of the book for a friend who is going to have a scheduled C-section due to medical reasons, because I think the book will be just as useful for her in laying out how the procedure happens, details on recovery, and information on vaginal births in the future once you've had a Cesarean delivery. Really worth reading!What If I Have a C-Section Overview
An award-winning health writer answers all the questions a pregnant mom may have about this increasingly performed procedure-now used in nearly one in every four births Thirty years ago, 1 in 20 babies was born by a c-section. Today that number has swelled to almost 1 in 4. Yet despite the steep rise in C-sections, there are very few books available to help moms-to-be sort out their options, allay their fears, and navigate their way through this serious and emotionally complex procedure.Rita Rubin, USA Today's medical reporter, tells women: - The main reason Cesareans are performed- Exactly what the procedure entails- How to communicate with their doctors-to insure the birth experience they want- Strategies that will help them recover from the surgery quickly and relatively painlessly- How to decide whether to have an elective C-section-and howto cope should surgery be medically necessary- How to sort out the controversy about VBAC-Vaginal Birth After C-sectionWhether the reader is considering choosing an elective C-section, worrying about what she will face should she need one, or recovering in the days after her delivery, she'll find the facts in this unbiased, authoritative, reassuring guide-along with steps she can take to make the birth of her child the healthiest, most joyous occasion possible.Want to learn more information about What If I Have a C-Section?
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